Saturday, May 3, 2008

Today I went to Farfield Museum, to have Ukranian eggs decoration. It was very interesting to learn the process of this technique.

But before I continue I have to let you know that some people believe that the egg give good luck, represent live, is use in religion tradition and Ukrania where the ladies decorate them by Easter gathering together and singing religious songs. Another lady from Croatia, said that when a baby visit yur house for the fist tiem after birth, they give a decorated egg for luck, put sugar on the baby's cheek becouse the baby is sweet, and flower for the beautiful skin. An egg can take a few hours or in some cases days to do it.

I had no clue of the technique, but I learn that you use an egg wash with water and vinegar, preferably white but, but can be brown too. For the beginners we need to trace the egg with a lead pencil. Then we use a little tool cool kistka, you heat it on a candle's fire and then put the bee wax, and taking away all excess and start drawing on to the egg.
So if the egg is white and you draw on it at the end this will be white, then you put it on yellow die that is special for the eggs only, it must be cover the whole egg. After about 5 minutes, take the egg away of the die jar and dry it. Now you can draw another part of the design with the wax, once you finish it must be die with the colour you want, in this case was orange, and again after 5 minutes , take it away of the jar- dry and draw again.
So once you put a colour and add wax to the egg, the colour will stay under the wax, the last colour is black that take about 20 minutes to be die.
Here you could see the eggs, books, designs and stands for the eggs.
Hoy fuí al museo de Farfield a aprender a pintar los huevitos de Ukrania, fué interesante aprender la técnica para decorar estos huevos.
Antes de seguir quiero contarles que algunas personas creen que los huevos dan suerte, representan vida y son parte de la religion Ukraniana donde las mujeres se junta en Semana santa a decorarlos mientras cantan canticos religiosos. Una señora de Croasha nos conto que ellos cuando les visita un niño recién nacído, le dán un huevo decorado para la suerte , le ponen azúcar en la mejilla porque el niño es una dulsura, harina para su piel.
No tenía la mas mera idea de esta técnica, pero aprendí que el huevo se debe labar con agua con vinagere, luego se dibuja con lápiz grafito para las primerisas, y alli se le pone sera de abeja con esta herramienta llamada "kristka". Esta se calienta en una vela , cunado se pone la cera en el huevo, ella cubre el color que queremos, asi que luego lo sumerjes en amarillo, y una vez seco se pinta otra vez otra parte del diseóo para después volver a sumergírlo en otra pintura,en este caso el naranja. Estos toman unos 5 minutos en teñir, el negro sinembargo toma 20 minutos.
Un huevo puede tomar unas horas o a veces dias , segun sea el diseno .
Aqui pueden ver los huevos, libros, diseños y algunos sostenedores de los huevos.

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